Been long time since my last entry doesn’t mean that I’m surrender on blogging..
It’s just me who is too lazy to touch the keyboard and pen down something for you to read (if there are lots of people really read my blog)…Haha..
Nick (Anything Goes) has been complaining of the excessive hot whether in his place so do here in Sabah or Keningau to be detailed..
No raindrops for weeks already.. Which is at the good side allowed my team to go for volleyball training after work..
On a brighter note, I was awarded with APC (Anugerah Perkhidmatan Cemerlang) this year..
I’m not putting hope for the award at first when I heard the rumors that I’m one who might got the award..
Since one of my colleague told me that the award is just qualified for those who are more than 3 years in service ( I’m just 1 year and above in service mind you, not even Sah Perlantikan and Sah Perkhidmatan)
Then, when the official letter arrived last week, I’m quite shocked with the news..
Am so happy and satisfied as the feeling of all my hard work for a year has been paid off..
Just giving a talk on a topic of Low Breastmilk Production this morning during Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative course..
And tomorrow have to handle another big event that I have to come for rehearsal this evening..
So, those who are living in Keningau and the nearby district, Pejabat Kesihatan Kawasan Keningau is organizing Sambutan Bulan Pemakanan as the following details:

Date: 29 April 2009 (Wednesday)
Time: 8am – 1 pm
Venue: Dewan Masyarakat Keningau
Theme: “Healthy Children, Healthier Nation”
All are welcome!!!
The main activity that the public may benefit from is a forum regarding childhood health and nutrition (I’m the one who handling this activity) and among the speakers are Pediatrician, Family Physician and Dietician..
At the same time there will be lots of booth, health screening for non-communicable diseases (free blood test), fitness assessment (I cannot wait to check my physiological age!!), lucky draw and not to forget a special door gift for you..
Also lots of performances from primary student as well..
So, for those Keningau-ian, please spread the news and see ya tomorrow!!