So lazy to update anything lately on my page.. Maybe I gotta lot of course to attend.. Even for last week, I got 2 days eHIS course (Hospital Information System) as my hospital started using system in overall patient's care process including medical records, ordering procedure, payment, referral and etc since last year.. I never use this system ever since I worked untill I learnt how to use it from the 2 days course.. Even in Sabah, only my hospital and Hospital Lahad Datu practicing this kind of system.. Others, still using manual procedure..
Then, being a speaker for Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) course really made me felt nervous.. Not because I'm weak in public communication but it is just due to the topic.. They gave me a topic entitled 'Low Breastmilk Production' which I'm not familiar with.. Furthermore, I prepared all the slide presentation in last minute... Duhh, during my session the participant shoot me with a lot of logic and unlogical questions.. Thanx God, I still can answer them eventhough I didn't do much reading...
Then, being a speaker for Baby Friendly Hospital Initiative (BFHI) course really made me felt nervous.. Not because I'm weak in public communication but it is just due to the topic.. They gave me a topic entitled 'Low Breastmilk Production' which I'm not familiar with.. Furthermore, I prepared all the slide presentation in last minute... Duhh, during my session the participant shoot me with a lot of logic and unlogical questions.. Thanx God, I still can answer them eventhough I didn't do much reading...
Out of topic already..
My clinic had been transferred to a new room.. They told me that my previous clinic is suitable for a procedure and dressing room as it's a bit bigger and the location is strategic which is near the Outpatient Department area.. Whatsoever la...
Anyway, I'm just so happy with my new clinic.. More comfortable compare to the previous one.. Nicely painted and suitable for counselling session.. Till now I'm still waiting for the wireless internet connection in the Specialist Clinic Complex as it was removed last time due to the renovation.. Arggghh, lepaking in clinic for 4 hour without doing anything with average of only 3-4 patients per day, emmm sooo boring... (Banyak2 patient pun mana larat, hahaha)
Since my 'the-only-close colleague' got transferred to Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, life become so slow.. No more breakfast in cafe at executive room, no more lunch in Rahmat Restaurant, no more lepak in Pharmacy Department, no more 'peeking activities' (trainee nurse ramai bah sini).. I become a person like I used to be 4 months ago..*sigh*..
Since my 'the-only-close colleague' got transferred to Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru, life become so slow.. No more breakfast in cafe at executive room, no more lunch in Rahmat Restaurant, no more lepak in Pharmacy Department, no more 'peeking activities' (trainee nurse ramai bah sini).. I become a person like I used to be 4 months ago..*sigh*..
i haven't actually properly ask you oh kan..what bah your post title ni? doctor kah? atau counselor? kalau doctor, buli minta prescribe ubat free ni kan? hahaha...
uiish..bagus oh kalu ada wireless di hospital, If i kena warded there, no need to worry about getting bored. Bawa ja laptop then buli online from hospital bed. Hehe
Haha.. Ramai org salah faham ni even most of my patient called me Dr.. No la, my post title is Pegawai Dietetik U41.. kalau Dr post dia Pegawai Perubatan U41.. Only the grade is the same bt of coz la Dr got higher salary bah...
Usually in Clinic most patient referred to me for dietary intervention.. So I'll consult the patient la.. 1 session for 45 minutes, tu yg tension ni.. Kena deal dgn manusia.. Siok lg kerja pejabat..
Bt if the ward refer pt to me I'll do both either consultation or give a regime for Ryle's Tube feeding (Nasogastric Feeding)..
So Chegu, if u happen to be in Hospital especially at Kompleks Klinik Pakar, cari ja Klinik Dietetik.. Ada la tu Mr Dietitian yang kebosanan tu sdg duduk2..
Oh ya, u can also online from ward.. Last time the wireless connection bagus tu.. Hospital skrg ni mcm airport suda, ada WiFi.. Hahaha..
hahhhhh ngam lah! tell me, how can i gain weight? serious ni. ive been trying to gain weight for 7 years now. 3kg mo kasi naik pun susah oh. hahaha
pt...hehe, nasib sa pernah admitted to ward and check2 sa punya case sa tau lah apa tu pt means..patient kan? byk tu short form yg doctor slalu tulis dlm case file yg sa terbelajar.
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