I'll be on holiday break from 24th Dec to 3rd of Jan.. So, like other bloggers, will take a break for a while.. Will be back soon next year.. So, wishing u all a Blessed Christmas & Joyous New Year 2008!! May this year' s Christmas bring a lotta blessings to all of us and may the coming year will be much more greater than this year and a year before..
Let us celebrate the born of our Saviour, Merry Christmas to all!!!
Good bye 2007, welcome 2008!!!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Words before Christmas..
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Christmas trees are everywhere..
I went to clinic this morning, I saw Christmas tree at O&G clinic, I passed by Outpatient Pharmacy, I saw another tiny blinking christmas tree, I went to Male Medical Ward I saw a big christmas tree then I went to punch my attendance card just now, I also saw a christmas tree in O&G ward.. Yeahh, Christmas tree are everywhere.. Simbolizes that Christmas is coming very soon...
I was MC yesterday.. Watch Liverpool VS MU with my bro and neighbour (Bonong) at home and drink beers.. As expected MU won the match.. 2 of them are Liverpool fanatic but me? I'm not into either Liverpool or MU... I'm a Chelsea loyal fan hehe.. The match was awesome as Liverpool trying thier very best to fight but still MU lead the game untill the last minute.. Well done Liverpool... MU? Malas la mau puji..hehehe.. Kan best kalu sekali-sekala MU kalah.. Baru gempak!!!
Then, woke up at 5.30am, felt so lazy to go to work.. At 6.30am, I called my staff to change my appointment and told them that I'm MC.. Then, woke up at 10am due to unknown calls... 1st no was 014-6***.. I didnt recongnize that num so I just let my hp ringing... Then, again another no appear 087-33***** I tought it was a call from Klinik Kesihatan Sook, so I didn't pick up my hp untill 3 miscalled from the same num.. the 4th time I answered.. It was actually a call from Sabah Medical Centre (SMC), ask me to come for interview.. Another call was from from private number, asking for my mom's maiden name.. CIMB bank mangkali tu, x berapa dengar tu suara... Hp sa hp lama bah, my first and the only Hp I have, since 2003 lagi.. X budjet mau beli yang baru..huhuhu
My aunty next door ask to go out to Keningau.. Yupp, at the same time got a lotta things to do in Pekan including JPA thingy, bank in money for my younger bro & sis in KL (they cannot come home for Christmas).. So I just gave them money for shopping (my christmas gift for them).. Spending some time settled up presents for my aunties and uncles and book hampers from Hiap Lee for children as christmas gifts.. Then, fetch my bro at Hospital and finally came home.. So tired but at least I settled up a lotta things in one day..
So for today, so many things to settle up in Hospital.. Dude, I just MC for one day but a lotta of people looking for me.. I just came back from ICU, and the nurse said that Dr Premala is looking for me yesterday, call me for several times, teriak sana teriak sini, but my HP was not reachable... In addition of that, some of the nurse in male ward tought I MC untill 19, got 3 referrals from there... Next time, I won't apply MC on monday la.. Kalau x pun, terpaksa buat surat "Kenyataan Pegawai Meninggalkan Pejabat"..Duhh..
Today, having lunch with one of the pharmacist here, from Kelantan.. Damn my tounge cannot speak Kelate slang anymore..Hahaha... He just talk about fact, fact and fact.. Boringlah... I just sometime change the topic.. Having lunch in Rahmat Restaurant, one of the most famous restaurant in Keningau.. cakap jak Kedai Makan Rahmat semua org Keningau tahu kan...
Next week is Christmas.. Got volleyball tournament on this 22 and 23.. Actually malas mau join tapi kena ajak suda..Haiyaaa, dekat2 Krismas ni mcm malas mau ada tournament.. The tournament is organize by Kg Bayangan..
The clock strikes 5.49pm already.. Usually at this time I'm already at home... Dun have time for blogging today during office hours.. So, spending my time now for blogging..Hehehe.. Does tommorow is another bad day for me..? Hopefully not...
So, I'm going back now.. It was raining here since hours ago.. Isn't it suppose to be snowing??
Friday, December 14, 2007
The Road Not Taken...
Today, Dietetic Clinic is closed (as usual, Friday is the time for me to get relax)... I'm now spending my time onlining.. So wanna share with all of u about the story of mine..
THE ROAD NOT TAKEN.. This is actually a poem by Robert Frost, published in 1916.. That time in a year 2000 (I'm form 4) the English Literature subject was introduced in Secondary School and we learnt about this poem, for some of u yang seumur, mesti tau ni poem kan.. This poem is so meaningful and that's why I still remember it till today.. So, I would like to relate this poem with the story of my life la...
Actually, now I'm still on influence of alcohol.. Got drunk last nite.. Ni karaja c Uncle Toyuk la ni belanja stout..Baru gaji kan kemarin, trus dia belanja.. Haus-haus minuman tin kunun.. So as a result, I woke up late today (kogutan bah).. Luckily my staff will punch my attendence card everyday.. So, if I come late no prob la..Just for friday la, no appointment and no outpatient referral... Got a phone call from Pharmacy Department just now asking for 2 people to come to A&E (Accident & Emergency) Department for urine sampling.. I'm not going to easily 'donate' my urine, nanti kedapatan ada alcohol.. It is actually a procedure done everytime to make sure goverment servant are not involved in drugs and so on..
So back to the story.. Actually I keep on thinking of my past.. 'Did I chose a right path'? What if I didn't choose to be a gorverment servant last time? Would my life will be diffrrent now?
Before I decide to be a goverment servat, I got a lot of job offered.. I admit that hunting for work is not a problem for me.. Since I'm very good in communication skill and the way I express myself to the interviewer, gave them an impress feeling... (sound like meninggi diri pula, tiada la cerita betul ba ni)..
This are among the top three:
1. Doing Master and Phd In Clinical Nutrition, United Kingdom
2. Dietitian, Hospital Kuala Lumpur
3. Dietitian, Department of Nutrition And Food Services, National Sport Council Bukit Jalil.
.. and the list goes on, including the interview that I didn't attend..So many to mention..
THE 1ST RANK: The dream of my life is actually study in oversea.. I already got an offer from USM to further my study in United Kingdom (Fully sponsored by USM).. The University I choose are:
1. University Of London (King's College London).
2. University Of Liverpool
3. University Of Wales, North Ireland
The offer still open till now.. It's up to me to continue or not.. They gave me 1 year time to settle up everything including IELTS exams, Research course, BTN and deal with Malaysian Ambassy.. Why I refuse this offer is that I have to be bonded with USM and become a lecturer in Kelantan for 7 years contract.. Other than that, finishing my study untill Phd will take 7 years.. Damn, I'm so old la nanti bila graduate..
The interview for this offer is so tough.. There were 7 interviewer and among them were Campus Director and Deans from each school in USM.. I'm so nervous that time, bekali2 p tandas lagi tu sebelum nama kena panggil.. huhuhu
THE 2ND RANK: Actually my 1st posting was in Hospital Kuala Lumpur.. I got a call from the interviewer asking weather I want to be posted in HKL or not (Those yg bertuah saja selalu dpt posting d HKL).. I'm so confused that time.. Should I say Yes or Not.. Usually people will not get a chance to choose where u want to be posted.. Just wait the posting letter.. But they gave me this option.. Then after getting opinion from my family I ended up of saying NO.. Damn the decision.. Bodohnya sa, punya main best tu sana kan boleh enjoy!!! Buduh betul oh... Then, they give me the post at Hospital Duchess Of Kent Sandakan, but sadly to say when I went for report duty at JKN in KK, due to some management problem they send me back to Hospital Keningau...Alala.. Is it lucky for me as a keningauian o not? Yeah, got advantges and disadvantges right? But, young person like me suppose to work out of hometown bah.. Tua nanti baru lah apply tempat sendiri kan...*sigh*
THE 3RD RANK: I went for interview in National Sport Council (MSN) in Bukit Jalil.. I'm so impressed with the working environment there.. Dealing with athlete and so on.. I already got the post there and the interviewer was hoping so much from me to work with them.. They tell me that I'm a good counselor from the way I talk.. Am I? I still remember, the interview session was so funny.. 1st interview was in USM, it was a screening process.. They went to USM, UKM and UPM searching for person to fill the post.. Among the question was about the sport nutrition, and of course a lil bit about sport.. I stiil remember they ask me regarding where was the last SUKMA and OLYMPIC been held? Sa ni pandai2 la kunun tau, jawab jak sembarangan.. The interviewer laugh at me.. Suppose I have to admit to them that I don't know, tapi berlagak tahu pula sa ni.. kantoi...
Then I thought I was not selected to the next interview but again I'm so lucky to be called up to Bukit Jalil.. Finally on Sept they call me to sign the contract but I already work with government... Maybe if I work with them, I'm now not in Hospital Keningau but in Sukan SEA Korat, Thailand.. huhuhuhu...
Whatever it is, the decision I made couln't be regreted.. What is done is done.. Should ponder over the future then.. My target now after 3 years is applying for further study from JPA.. But still have to see my achivement in 3 years.. If I did well in my work, sure everything will be in my hand.. So presenting u THE ROAD NOT TAKEN...
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I kept the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way,
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I--
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Being offered to be a Best man..
While I'm sitting on my chair alone in my office, this thing suddenly pop up in my mind.. I almost forgot..!!! I got a phone call from a friend of mine in KK a week ago asking for help.. What kind of help? He ask me to be a Best man for his wedding ceremony which will be held on March next year somewhere in Tuaran.. I was quite suprised to hear it.. Then I told him to give me times to think about it first..
I didn't have experiences of become a Best man before.. What I knew that the Best man is the one who will be beside the Bridegroom throughout the wedding ceremony, giving support physically and mentally.. In simple words, the Best man have to do everything the Bridegroom ask for.. Am I right?? And usually in Kampung, the best man will be the one who:
1) Single (not divorce).
2) Of course la must be young.
3) Have a close relationship (siblings or cousin) with either the bridegroom or the bride.
4) Good looking (This one include ka??? Hahaha)~Sometimes maybe huh, kalau tidak hensem buruk la tu gambar kahwin nanti kan..
Then I browsed the Wikipedia and this is what I found:
The best man is the name given to the chief male assistant to the bridegroom at a wedding. Usually the groom extends this honour to someone who is close to him, generally either a brother or his closest male friend. Alternatively, should one of the groom's male friends have been directly responsible for introducing the groom to his bride (or otherwise responsible for bringing them together), the honor of best man might be extended to him in gratitude. In a remarriage, a son of the groom may sometimes act as best man.
Then I understand.. But I wonder about the sentences I colored above:
"his closest male friend" - We are close but for sure I'm not his closest male friend.
"groom's male friends have been directly responsible for introducing the groom to his bride " - This one 100% true.. I and my closest friend YUS introduce this girl to him.. But we are not the one bringing them together la..
Then while I browsing thru the net, I also found this:
In the context of a traditional American/British white wedding, the best man's duties typically include:
* Organizing a bachelor party (U.S.) / stag night (U.K.) / buck's night (Aus.) for the groom
* Possibly helping plan or organize some details of the wedding
* Assisting with wedding-day logistics and unforeseen circumstances that arise
* Assisting the groom on the morning of wedding day
* Getting the groom to the wedding on time
* Supervising the groomsmen or ushers
* Ensuring the rings are brought to the ceremony (usually they will have been given to the best man either earlier in the day or previously) and then passing these to the bride and groom at the appropriate point in the ceremony
* Acting as a legal witness to the marriage
* Giving a speech at the wedding and thanking the bride's parents
* Making a toast to the bride and groom at the reception
* Dance with the Maid of honor and helping to ensure that other guests make it to the dance floor and dance
* Decorating the car of the married couple
* Returning the Groomsmen's tuxedos, if they are rented
If I have to do all the above responsibilities, I will absolutely refuse his offer.. But I know, in Sabah there is no such thing right.. Jadi pengapit kampung2 bole la bah kan..
But till now, I haven't decide.. Last minute decision maybe.. Will decide once he call me la because I have to stay in Tuaran for maybe at least 3 days and of coz la segannnn kan... Usually people will say "kalau jadi pengapit tu biasanya tidak lama lagi juga mau kahwin".. Is that true??
Above's picture: Daphne Iking's wedding (pinjam gambar ya Daphne!!)..
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Past, present and future, all in one...
Here were how I celebrated Christmas at the past.. Celebrating Christmas without your family around was really a 'nightmare' but meaningful.. Why not try it once in a blue moon?? I ever dreamt of celebrating this occasion in overseas.. But u know, it just only a dream.. Have to wait for 2 to 3 years to come... Huhuhu.. Here are some random pixs of mine..
More story to come: Christmas 2004 (mau cari dulu tu CD yang sa save gambar dulu2, sana mangkali tu dalam kotak)..
Friday, December 7, 2007
Bicara Hidup..
Last time in Kelantan, will go to church every Friday morning (For some of you who might don't know, in Kelantan Mass will be held on Friday not Sunday..Sunday is a working day) - weird right!! Since I worked in my hometown, I'm so lazy to go to church.. What kind of Christian I'm!!! Duhhh.. The last time I went to church was on September in KSFX Keningau.. That time, I still waiting for my posting... I prayed for not being posted in Tawau.. God hear my pray.. Amen...
Yeah, Christmas is coming, I haven't go for Confession..How could I celebrate Christmas if like this... Alalala, people out there, I need advice...!!
Anyway, I would like to dedicate this song to all my Christian blogger's friends out there.. Dun forget to go to church this weekend ahh.. Enjoy, enjoy juga, p sembahyang jangan dilupa.. To listen this song, just click the song's title below... Happy Weekend!!!
CHOZEN-Bicara Hidup
Hidup ini banyak persoalan
Di mana harus ku temui jawapannya
Sungguh ya Tuhan ku tak mengerti
Ke mana harus ku melangkah
Mencari sinar
Hidup ini penuh liku nya
Menuntut perjuangan iman sejati
Ku cari jawapan dan pengertian
Suka duka silih berganti
Tiada satu sandaran kehidupan
Dengarkanlah bapa bicara hidup ini
Ya Abba ya bapa
Ku seru nama Mu
Yang Maha kudus
Kuatkan hatiku
Teguhkan iman ku
Tempoh dosa dunia
Ya Abba ya Bapa
Peganglah tanganku
Tuntunlah jalanku
Hidup kita penuh dengan godaan(cobaan)
Rintangan tentangan(Halangan)
Tanpa Dia kita akan kehilangan di dunia
yang penuh dengan kehancuran kemusnahan)
Dihatiku hanya Kau lah yang satu
Kekutan keteguhan yang ku perlu
Yesus ku Kau lah Raja atas segala raja
Yang layak ku puji dan ku sembah atas
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Doing Better Than The Past…A long story to tell…
Did u win the games?
How was the trip and how was Tawau?
Yeah, I guess this was among the question which will be asked by u all, right..?? Anyway, I will say that the trip was awesome even though we LOSE.. For me, losing the games was nothing compare to the experience I got throughout the 5 days journey. (Of course la not so sad because I’m just a reserved, not a main player).. Forgot to mention, actually I’d suddenly been chose to fill the empty place as one of the veteran player can’t join the team due to some unavoidable reason.. What do u think if I suddenly become a 1st seat player even though I’m just an alien from nowhere.. For sure the ‘tetap dan berpencen’ player will get jealous upon me right...Hahaha
Before this, Sukan Zon Pedalaman already being held and Hospital Keningau won the volleyball event. If I’m not mistaken they won against Ho Tambunan, Tenom, Kuala Penyu, Beaufort, Nabawan, Sipitang and etc.. And I’m the one very lucky coz didn’t play in Zon level but got the chance to represent state level.. Huhuhu… At least I got extra marks for my SKT (those work with government will understand this).
Actually before I join this team, I already told myself of not hoping so much to play during the game.. I just instill my inner self that this is the chance for me to get involved in volleyball and the medium for me to know other player and at the same time show them my talent.. It did happen…Not only volleyball but other events like outdoor games-football, takraw, tennis, netball ++++, indoor games- table tennis, chess, badminton ++++, athletic- 100m hurdles, and so on were also held. Volleyball games only took 2 days and the remaining days were the time for my team to get enjoy..
So, let me start with this…
The journey to Tawau was so happening but tiring.. It took 12 hours to get there from Keningau (The Route: Hospital Keningau-Tambunan-Ranau-Telupid-Check Point-Lahad Datu-Kunak-Tawau).. Another route taken by other team is from Keningau-Nabawan-Sempulut-Kalabakan-Tawau.. This route is much faster but the road was half gravel. Those with 4 wheel drive car took this route.. We arrived Tawau at 8.30pm.. We expect to land earlier on bed upon arriving but accommodation was not fully settled up. Then after waiting a few hours we decided to stay in hotel.. What hotel, Sri Dewi Hotel.. Sound Indonesian right.. Yea, Indonesian hotel, I used to speak Jawa slang to the hotel workers.. “Mas, nga payah bersihkan bilik ya”… Other team so pity, stay in the ward at Hospital Tawau…Oh ya, kami sempat curi-curi keluar p minum Carlsberg sana restoran di bawah hotel.. Other player didn’t noticed us.. Huhuhu…
Volleyball games was started the next day.. It is a league system. Meaning that all the team will face and fight against each other.. And this was the result:
Champion: Tawau
2nd place: Pantai Barat Utara (Kudat)
3rd place: Pantai Barat Selatan (KK)
4th place: Pedalaman
5th place: Sandakan
This year, “WE DID BETTER THAN THE PAST” because usually Pedalaman will be at the last rank.. In fact, it is hard for the referee to determine which team has to be at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd because of Zon Pedalaman bought all the games to rubber set.. Huhuhu… I just play once, against Tawau.. I’m a full time supporter..hehehe…
After lose the competition, the remaining time we spent to enjoy.. Tawau was not bad, a big city like Sandakan.. I can say that people come to Tawau never miss to buy salted fish.. Very cheap and I can say that Tawau is ‘Syurga Ikan Masin’ +++ Dried squid and Shark Fin (RM 2800) oso available.. Periuk belanga also cheap and abundant here.. Sampai semua atlit dari keningau bawa pulang periuk belanga dalam kereta…Hehehe..
Other thing about Tawau is the seafood.. So cheap, compare to Keningau and Semenanjung… So apa lagi, everytime went to restaurant for sure I ordered for seafood.. Nasi goreng seafood, Mee goreng seafood, Mix veggie with seafood… Semua la seafood..Haaha..
Among the player, I’m the youngest.. The eldest was 41 years old.. From 12 players, 8 was married and the rest are single (no divorce huh).. Firstly, it is hard to mingle with the other player, not only because the age gape neither the status but some of them really concern about position. Am I looked bossy? For me I’m just acting like no boss and no coolie. However, as the time passed by we finally get used each other…Huahuahua..
Things I’d learnt:
Do not simply judge people. Doesn’t mean his name or face is Christian-like they are really Christian AND doesn’t mean those Godly-face looked (muslim) didn’t drink.. Huhuhu… These were 3 situations:
Adakah buli sa bawa roommate sa p moginum beer sana restaurant padahal dia Islam.. Buli sa tertipu, saya ingat dia Kristian.. Patutlah dia x mau join…
Another is I didn’t realized one of the player also Muslim.. From the name for sure Christian-name, muka pun logop BUTTT Islam rupanya.. I just knew that after came back from Tawau.. Ini org pun sa ada bawa juga p moginum tapi x join.. Tu yang sa hairan ni… Dia ‘convert’ rupanya… Terkahwin org Semporna… Patutttlaaa..
Ada ni saturang player muka nampak mcm alim.. Ingatkan x moginum, ya la kan Muslim.. Sekali sampai Tawau dia yang sengaja mau jadi 1 roomate siurang supaya senang curi2 keluar malam mau p minum beer.. Takut kedapatan kawan muslim yang lain and especially the coach la.. Nakal punya karaja…
2) When I play against Tawau, the coach realized that I’m actually a Setter.. Damn, my secret has revealed.. He told me to play setter next time.. Yeaaa, I admit that the current setter was suck... I’m not pointing on the setter but the ball that he set was suck.. Macam mana la spiker mau spike kalu bola mcm tu.. Balik2 batal lagi tu, melekat lagi tu bola di jari.. Ish..Ish...Ish... Moral of the story: Dont be hypocrit Fred!! Sejauh mana kau tapuk itu durian kedapatan juga tu, sejauh mana ko pura2 jadi spiker kedapatan juga ko sebenarnya setter.. Just a Methapor!!! Am I like a Durian??? King??
Whatever it is, I’m now become a part of the hospital volleyball team. Next tournament, I’ll get involve.. Yeesss!! One of the 1st seat players said this “Si Fred mesti mau main next time”… Did they finally notice my talents?
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
No recent update to be posted, No interesting story to be shared.. I'm just damn busy..
It's been 3 days after I came back from Tawau.. Wanna share with u all the precious experiences I had in Tawau but time doesn't allow me to do so.. So busy with the management thingy.. Yeaa, at the end of the year all things have to be settled up especially those have to do with financial.. Account will be closed very soon, so all the claims have to be well prepared and sent to accountant.. Hehehe, "Money that matters".. That is what I'm working on now..
Then have to draft all the activities for 2008 to make sure it doesn't clash with activities held by Hospital... Duhhh, I'm so blurrrr..*sigh*
I wish I'm still in Tawau, dun have to be burdened by all this things..
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Busy Doing Nothing...
"BUSY DOING NOTHING"...It is just what I expected early this morning.. I thought I'm free today but another things occured.. I'm quite busy today...!!! The pixs above was taken before I went to clinic.. It is my office, a lil messy right.. huhu.. Dunno what to do, then after saw my camera in my desk, took some pixs lor..
Today is a quite busy day for me.. The Diabetic Screening was held in front of my clinic and I'm the one who have to give a Dietary Intervention for those with positive screening... Duhhh.. It was a free screening and again I have a chance to check mine.. Mine was negative, huhuhu.. As expected la kan..
Now is 12.30 pm.. I'd planned things to do after lunch:
2.00 pm: Waiting referrals from ward. If nothing, thanks God.. (ketara pemalas betul ooo)
3.00 pm: Settle up all the unfinished work. Since now is the end of month, a lotta report has to be sent to Quality Department as well as Hospital Queen Elizabeth.
5.00pm: Go back home, wash car coz I'm gonna leaving home and my car for 5 days..
6.00pm: Have to pack all my stuff.. Tawau is waiting for me..huhu..
Wish me luck for my Volleyball Competition kkk.. We represent ZON PEDALAMAN..:p
Monday, November 26, 2007
The Harsh Time..
I feel so stressed up today..Dunno when it is started..Woke up this morning I'm still okay.. However, after thinking of routine in my workplace, all of sudden I felt pressure on my brain.. But thanks God I'm a bit free today; no appointment, no outpatient referral. BUT, got meeting at 2pm, and 2 inpatient referral today..Arggghh..
Whatever it is, I'm going to Tawau this coming wednesday. I have a volleyball competition for KKM (Ministry Of Health) Sabah.. Wanna get rid from a boring working environment.. I'm away Keningau from 28th Nov - 2nd Dec..Huhuu.. Meaning that I miss the aramai tii on 1st of Dec.. A lot of 'serangan moginum' that day.. My neighbour 'Family Day' - besar-besaran lagi tu.. Tu kem suda pasang, tinggal mau buat pentas and potong sapi lagi, ada band lagi tu.. The 'kem' is right in front of my house, sure a lotta sumandaks coming that day..At the same day is 100 days of the late Enggoh Ungkiu, my gradma's brother.. Sorry, I cannot attend.. And from what I heard, a lot of wedding ceremony will be held on that day (Bunsit ada, Bingkor pun ada)..
Now, I wanna back home for lunch.. Hopefully my cousin already cook for me.. Really wanna unwind my tension... Got to back here on 2pm.. Got meeting to attend.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
I'd checked my Lipid Profile.. How's yours?
FBG: Usually if the FBG is abnormal (not in a normal range) those people will be diagnosed of having Diabetes Mellitus a.k.a kencing manis.
TC: If our TC is high, it is due to high consumption of high cholesterol foods such as kepala ikan (apa-apa jenis kepala la including seafoods), eggs, offal (organ dalaman mcm hati dan pedal) and of course high saturated fat foods such as fried and fatty foods.

I got my result the same day of the specimen taken. Yeah, I'm happy to know that all the test result was in a normal range huhuhu.. Here was the results:
AGE : 23Y 2M 7D
PATIENT ID : 001/20
SPECIMEN NO : 1007020350
Cholesterol 3.55 mmol/L (0.00-5.20)
Triglycerides 1.21 mmol.L (0.00-2.30)
Glucose Fasting 4.9 mmol/L (3.5-6.1)
The funny thing is that I forgot to fast and already taken soy milk that morning before the test was ran but still my fasting glucose level fall within a normal range. Does it shows that I'm extra healthy? hehehe... Another thing is that, I'm still kagutan (pening-mabuk alkohol) when my blood was taken because the day before was Sunday which is the day for aramai tih..
Whatever it is, thanks God for keep me in this healthy stage. Still have to watch out every type of meals to be taken every day to make sure my lipid profile remains normal.
How is my staff's blood result??
Sadly to say, 3 of them have a high cholesterol level. they give me a reason which can be accepted.. Bulan puasa dan Raya bah baru2, tu yang tinggi tu...
Yaaa, we ran our blood test actually just a week after raya. So thier reason might be acceptable.. But the good thing is that they ask me for consultation regarding low cholesterol diet.
So, we'd checked ours, how's yours? Better check, murah saja ba tu kalau di private hospital.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
A tribe on the north of Borneo.. Here I'm..
As for me, I'll admit that I'm not good in term of practicing my culture but untill now I still tried very hard to become a good KadazanDusun generation.. Actually, I'm not a pure either Dusun or Kadazan. I'm a mixed blood, Dusun Gana + Kadazan Membakut + Murut Tenom.. My dad actually a pure Dusun Gana and my mom is a mix Kadazan Murut but she is more to Kadazan than Murut.
Ever heard about Dusun Gana? U can only found Dusun Gana in Keningau which majority found in Bingkor. Thier language is almost totally diffrent from Dusun Tambunan language (the most popular dusun in sabah). When people speak, the sound and tone almost similar to Murut Language.. Ceh, sa ni macam orang linguistik pula. It is my opinion la, dunno yours.. But that make a diffrence between other Dusun la..
Oh ya, back to the past, during my campus life in Kelantan, it was only a few Sabahan student there. U can count them by fingers.. During my time, most of them from Ranau and Keningau not bad lor.. From Keningau were me, Sly (mayan mantad Bingkor Baru)- but cannot speak and understand dusun gana eventhough his father is gana, and the other 2 sumandaks from Toboh Laut, Evelyn and Drorise- Dusun Tambunan. I still remember how the Sabahan's sumandak humiliate me when they challenge me to speak Dusun. Then, I spoke Dusun Gana to them and of course they was like 'terpinga-pinga' coz didn't understand even 1 word I spoke untill they called me a "Dusun Sesat".. Then I explained them about Dusun Gana. Finally they understood..
Here are some of my strengths and weaknesses as a KadazanDusun:
1) Cannot speak fluently both Dusun and Kadazan. But if I have to communicate with those older generation who cannot speak Malay, they still can understand mine lor.Huhuhu.. The basic I know:
Nakanam kono mindogu Dusun Gana?
Toboni dowon in..
Nongo kuan nu laid?
Masiu masaap!!
Ni pun macam salah-salah jak..Ya, I guess I'm bad in term of language.. Have to brush up more..Duhh...
2) From first impression, people thought I'm Chinese. I have a Chinese look even Sabahan people might misjudge my race.
3) I can do 'Kampung' chores but usually if the kerja kampung yang berat-berat I have to force myself to do lor. But kalau setakat kerja2 tabasan, senang jak ba tu..
1) I tolerate Tapai very well.. Can "LUNDUS" somemore.. Wanna challenge me? But depends of the taste la.. If the tapai's taste is sour like vinegar, for sure the next day will got diarrhea.. Another taste of tapai is "Manis Pahit Bau Tahi", this one of coz yaksss... Belum lagi yang 3 negara.. Huhuhuhu..
2) I can do every process of planting paddy. From the process of 'menggabur', 'menanam', 'menginsakot', 'menantab', 'angkat tinaun', 'melapos', 'mengipas', 'membayut', 'menjemur' untill the rice can be eaten.. huhuhu...
***Sorry, some of the words are in a Dusun Language.. Those viewers who cannot understand find it yourself***
Even I got lotta waknesses then strengths, I still proud to be KadazanDusun.. Still trying to improve those weaknesses..
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Politic in Hospital organization.. I'm the victim of situation..
Well, let me start with this. As the only Dietitian in Hospital Keningau, the work loads are absolutely tough. I have to become a Head of Nutrition & Dietetic Department, doing outpatient and inpatient nutrition therapy, food service which is not only in my department but also the cafeteria as well and the hospital management thingy (meeting and so on).. Doing a lotta works in one time alone for sure resulting in a moderate outcome..I admit it.
Actually, what i'm trying to share with you all is that, I felt bad when one of the Sister (Ketua Jururawat) told and complained to me just now.. I met her during lunch time in cafeteria and she said that the food served by my department is not tasty, patient didn't wanna eat, tasteless and bla..bla..bla.. And she said, as a new Dietitian in this hospital I have to modify the menu. I can see the way she speak to me is like I'm the one who is not productive and she seems like underestimate my ability. That time I wanna answer all her complaint but as a newcomer in this hospital I realised I have to respect her even my position is higher than her and eventhough all the things she said was wrong. Experience made them knowledgeble than me. Once again, I have to admit it. Have a look on the meals prepared by my department:
Look appetizing right.. Last time, I ever did my practical in this hospital and I did eat the food prepared and trust me, the taste is absolutely good. Even one of the chef here ever worked in a 4 star hotel.. But if the diet is a therapeutic diet (special diet for patient with high blood pressure and diabetis mellitus a.k.a kencing manis) of course the food prepared is tasteless (no added salt and sugar)..Thats why most of the complaint we got were from Diabetic and Hypertension patient.. Huhuhu..
People nowadays also have a mindset of Hospital Diet is not tasty (Makanan hospital tidak sedap !!!).. Tell me, what do u expect the taste of the foods when it is cooked in a big amount together like cooking a sweet and sour chicken for almost 180+++ people.. The taste would be diffrent compare to the one cooked in a small amount kan.. You trust me...
Since I worked in this hospital I realised that most of my staff and collegue from other department were not satisfied with the way Sister treat them.. I'm not saying that they didn't do a good job but the way they treat other nurses and staff is in a non-professional way. Not all sisters la. But some of them.. And I ever heard one of the staff said that one of the sister is a backstaber. She will smile at you but at the back she will find your mistakes and will exagarating it when she have a chance..Huhuhu.. Is it only a gossip or should I be more careful?
I also knew that sisters in this hospital have thier own group.. They will gather among thier group yang satu kepala and will not mingle with other group sister.. Even my Hospital Director, Dr William ever mention about 'makan hati berulam jantung' among the sisters during meeting because one of the sister didn't want to borrow medical equipments from other ward instead request a new one for her ward.. This is what I call POLITIC IN HOSPITAL ORGANIZATION. Duhhhh..
So from today onwards, I will try to be insensitive when sisters complain about the service of my department as long as my department is doing good. But if what they complain is right, I will take is in a positive way lor.. Wish me luck...(^.^)..
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Getting Bored Of Everyday Routine
I still remember during my student life, I couldn't wait to graduate and finish my study.. I really wanted to get a job, have my own money, a tick wallet, have a cool car and of course appreciate every single minutes to spend without thinking of assignments and exams. But, things happened beyond what I expected.. Working life is ain't that easy dude!!!..
Then when it comes to the end of the work time, volleyball is the only thing in my mind. But sadly to say, people here in Sabah will go for sport at around 6.30pm, of course at this time in Sabah, sudah gelap lor... Well, I'm a volleyball freak.. Couldn't live without playing this sport.. I used to represent my campus for Volleyball Competiton, but everytime we play, could only made it into a semi-final.. So sad...
I guess, that's all of my routine every day.. The same boring things will be repeated every day.. Huhuhu.. Wondering, what life would be next...????